Alteration 1
Jade (Veronica) - We've decided to remove the skirt and high heels in height from the character and to change them to trousers to "wedges" (heeled shoes inside the shoes but has a flat base). She found it difficult to run with the skirt and the high heels which can be a problem during production as well as a health and safety risk because she can potentially fall and injure herself. If this was to happen, we cannot further progress until she fully recovers, leading to the production stage and the overall production process being delayed. The trousers and the "wedges" will reduce these risks and will considerably reduce the chances of injury and delays to the process but will also ensure actors are not discomforted by their costumes.
Alteration 2
Alteration 3
Storyboard -
Shots 6, 7 and 8 will no longer involve smashed pieces of glass. We felt as a group that we would not want to smash glass as this is a health and safety risk. Instead of smashing glass, we decided to place cushioning on the floor so that the glass can fall onto this without breaking or causing damage/injury to anyone or anything. Overall, we believe not smashing glass is safer but less risk inducing.Alteration 4
Another alteration that we made was to change the filming room for shots 2 , 4 , 5 , 6 ,7 ,8 which consist of the main characters of narrative discovering a dark secret of the school they are in. Initially, we were going to use our school's official reception desk, however, lighting within this area was too bright, therefore it wouldn't look like an authentic horror film. Also, during filming, we experienced repeated delays due to people being near and walking by the receptionist desk, this area is one of the main areas of our school, this made it harder to film consistently, quickly and efficiently. After experiencing such difficulty, we changed our filming room to one of the drama department rooms within the school which was in a completely different area. This room had several controllable lights which would help us set a sinistrous atmosphere with dim lighting, however, the room was also secluded which means we would be able to film without any distractions or delays.
Old Filming Location
New Filming Location
Alteration 5
Alteration 5 is importantly another change to the rooms or areas we will use to film. For instance, for shots 11 & 18, instead of using hall-room doors,we decided to change this filming location to a classroom that is centered at the top of our school building. Our group agreed to do this because the hall-room doors were in an area that was too bright for our horror teaser trailer, therefore having open lighting would not make our trailer look authentic and reflective of a horror film. Also, our teaser trailer conventionally uses dim and very dark lighting for dramatic effect, having bright lights would therefore juxtapose this. The room we had switched to had the advantage of pitch black lighting and windows that we could use to show characters being locked in the school, which is apart of our narrative.
Old Filming Location
New Filming Location
Alteration 6
Alteration 6 consists of many significant changes to our films storyboard and shooting schedule. Firstly, shot 5 of the storyboard will be different. For instance, instead of having a character bump into the school rules frame, we decided to use a string to make the frame fall by itself, we thought this seemed more supernatural which would suit our horror teaser trailer. Consequently , this also influenced the change of shot 8 and 9 on the storyboard also. For instance, shot 8 of the storyboard will consist of all three of the main characters reacting to the frame falling by itself, this creates the impression that their is a ghost amongst the narrative of our trailer, which is an impression we hope to express to the audience. Furthermore, shot 9 will consist of the main three characters looking at the frame that has just fallen, our group felt this was more realistic as the three main characters would be reacting to a supernatural presence, which will create fair and panic within the audience. This was far more authentic than someone accidentally dropping the frame. Shot 5 would still use a medium shot to show the frame falling , shot 8 would also use a medium shot to portray the characters reaction to the frame falling and shot 9 would be an over the shoulder shot of the characters holding the frame. Altogether, we are still using the same initial types of shot, therefore we have not implemented any shots that completely new.
Alteration 7
Alteration 7 is a change to the appearance of our character named Damien who is played by Michael. Although we have mentioned that Michael will be wearing face paint, on our third day of filming, we had decided not to include a face painted character. For instance, as we were filming on different days, face painting a character each time would have different outcomes as face paint is not going to look the same each time it is put on a character, this furthermore will affect the continuity of our teaser trailer as we won't be able to replicate the same face paint each time.
Alteration 8
Alteration 8 consists of changes to the storyboard which came about during the 4th day of filming. The 16th shot of our storyboard is currently a scene where a chair moves by itself next to the three main characters therefore indicating a supernatural presence. However, this shot was meant to be projected in the format of CCTV to make it look more realistic. However, we changed this shot to a close up shot of a ghost that is screaming towards the camera. We decided to do this because replicating a realistic CCTV simulation was too difficult. Also, it would be hard to have a chair moving by itself as a piece of string would be visible in the lighting of our camera. Secondly, we had also decided to change shot number 20 which currently shows three characters being scared of a nearby shadow. We decided to change this to a shot of an object moving behind one of our main characters which furthermore adds the element of surprise whilst indicating the presence of an evil entity. Our group figured replicating a clear and sinister shadow was too difficult, we had tried to do this multiple times but the shots didn't look worthy of being included within our teaser trailer which is why we switched this shot. Thirdly, we had also changed shot 26. For example, this shot was a scene where all characters were running, however, while filming, these shots didn't suit our teaser trailer therefore they were out of place. To replace this shot, we decided to take many different shots of dissimilar but eerie scenarios so that we would be able to choose one during editing. From doing this, we would be able to have different options to replace shot 26, therefore we could see which shots are most suitable for our specific trailer and we would decide this through a group vote. Some of the shots we taken to replace shot 26 includes shadows of our ghost(Villain/Supernatural Entity) and our main three characters walking with flashlights.
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