This mood board was compiled to illustrate the types of horror themes our group will aim to encapsulate in our teaser trailer. For instance, on the right hand corner of the mood board you will see the grim reaper next to a schoolgirl, there characters are included within our narrative and we aim to replicate similar costumers. Secondly, the mood board also includes many aspects of horror they we will also utilise and exploit for our teaser trailer. For instance, the element of darkness and dim lighting is heavily emphasise in most of the pictures on the mood board, this therefore indicates that dark lighting is conventional for horror films and in order for our teaser trailer to look authentic and realistic, we will also have to implement dim lighting. The mood board overall will give our group a source to refer back to in terms of visualising , filming and ensuring our teaser trailer abides by the genre of horror, a range of pictures taken from horror films will provide us first hand information on what our teaser trailer should include. This includes mise en scene and certain camera angles that have been used. For instance, the mood-board includes several closeups of characters which may have been done for dramatic effect but also to convey close detail.
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